A domain name is unique and identifies an Internet website. It has always two or more parts that are separated by dots. The part on the left is the most specific, and the part on the right that is the most general.
Domain registration may be dictated by your business name. It does not reflect only your business. But also the industry you are in and the country in which you operate the domain registration.
It is your customers’ first point of contact. Because it forms the basis of your email and website addresses. You can buy a website domain name from us.


  • All domain names are registered usually within 1 hour of the receipt of payment acceptance.
  • Once Successfully domain registered nobody can register your domain name, but it will take 1-2 days still, for it to show up in the WHOIS database.
  • Internationally, registration of your domain name is done on a basis of First-come-first-serve. The domain is requested may be registered by some other person or organization between the period of request for domain registration and the receipt of payment accepted.
  • We will not be responsible in any way for the non-availability of your domain.